SOUTIEN NERFRANCE face à la maladie de Parkinson
Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le lien pour avoir accès à un document (en anglais) au sujet d’un programme d’exercice pour la maladie de PARKINSON.
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Preventing mobility disability in Parkinson’s disease with a sensorimotor agility exercise program
Delaying Mobility Disability in People With Parkinson Disease Using a
Sensorimotor Agility Exercise Program
This article introcliiccM u new framework for therapists to develop an exereise program to delay mobilit)- disability in people with Parkinson disease <PD). Mobility, or the ability to efficiently navigate and function in a variety of environments, requires balance, agilit}’. and flexihilit)-. all of which are affected by PI).
This article summa- rizes recent research identify ing how constraints on mobility- specitic to PI), such as rigidity, bradykinesia, freezing, poor sensory integration, inflexible program selec- tion, and impaired cognitive processing, limit mobility in people with FI). Based on these constraints, a conceptual framework for exercises to maintain and improve mobility is presented.
An example of a constraint-focused agility exercise program, incorporating movement principles from tai cbi, kayaking, boxing, lunges, agility training, and Pilâtes exercises, is presented. This new constraint-focused agilit)’ exercise program is based on a strong scientific framework and includes progressive levels of sensorimotor, resistance, and coordination challenges that can be custom- ized for each patient while maintaining fidelity. Principles for improving mobilit>- pre.sented here can be incorporated into an ongoing or long-term exercise program for people with PD.